日曜日, 11月 12, 2006


Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. --- Albert Einstein

火曜日, 3月 21, 2006

My Seminar at PARK

This is a nice moment when I get Invitation to give Lecture for the Aeronautical Engg students of PARK. I studied in that Institution 4 years back. The topic is a interesting one in Aerodynamics. Some pictures of the seminar...

日曜日, 1月 15, 2006

My research group

This is the members of Prof.Tamura laboratory

This pic with Dr.Kikuchi

This picture taken in the Wind tunnel fan with Dr.Kikuchi of Research Institute of SHIMIZ , Japan.

With Dr.Andrea from Italy

This is my Friend Dr.Andrea from Italy and he is the researcher in University of Genova, Italy.

Research on High Rey numb flow -wind tunnel studies

This on wind tunnel to test the fluid dynamics aspect of the cylinder in High rey number